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Ayushi Agarwal

Everything will be alright

First, we will pollute our Earth with desire

We will pretend that we need more, more and more

We will race to possess, consume and accumulate

Then we will look up at the rotting soil and black skies

And rush to buy N95 masks

We, the troubled commoners of Delhi,

Will already be used to schools shutting down

Before the virus comes our way

And when the world readies itself for a crisis

We will blink with the uncomfortable comfort

of having done this before.

As we stay inside

And pace around our privileged balconies

We will look down at workers carrying their lives on their shoulders

Fleeing with empty stomachs from places that had promised them food

They will meet our eyes the way our empty hands met

People full of money who refuse to pay salaries for ‘work not done'

Their faint gait and slipping energy may not cause us to grieve

But we will grieve at the lack of places to eat and shop at

“What do I do to feel better this month?” We’ll ask

Fleeting compassion, meanwhile, will fly out of our windows

And join the dust blowing in the faces of the fleeing migrants —

Just an unwelcome nuisance.

“Everything will be alright” we will say

It’s just a question of a few months

The numbers will eventually decline

The pandemic will be over

Yet, on the outline of our species

Numbers that don’t count enough will continue to dwindle

The hunger pandemic might claim more lives

That weigh too little in the balance of economics

While the indifference pandemic is stymied a little

Only to simmer on a low flame.

Then, we will go back to our ordinary lives

Throwing money at things that still don’t matter

Egos still racing to join the billionaire club

Paying their workers, a fraction of what they deserve

Then making ‘staggering’ philanthropic donations

“Why don’t you act fair to begin with?”, some of us might think

And then we will go to sleep simply because we have to

“Everything will be alright” we will repeat

until the heart is forced to believe it.

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